Saturday, June 28, 2014

To post or not to post....

The past couple of days I have been pondering if I should make this blog a homesteading and cooking blog. Here on our homestead cooking is done multiple times a day. Would anyone be interested in recipes ? I think I might try it and see if I would enjoy doing so. I hope you guys have a wonderful day. God bless!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Early Seeding Benefits

Hi guys,
Today I wanted to talk about the benefits of starting your seeds indoors. Before we moved to our homestead we planned to have a container garden at our small town house. We started most of our seeds indoors a few weeks before the last frost. Our plants that did survive the move are now begining to produce! Which is great! So now we will be able to harvest our vegetables a little earlier. It's great because we are hoping to be able to live off our garden.

Starting seedlings early indoors is a great way to give the plants a jump start. Plus you don't have to worry if our little insect buddies will eat them. Plus you harvest will be earlier so there is food for your family sooner. I have found that been plants grow really well in the house but if he transplant them out doors they end up dying. Also if you are going to start seeds indoors make sure before you transplant you take plants outdoors for a few hours for two weeks. Its alot of work but it has great benefits. I hope you guys try this next year.

Have a great day and god bless!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Our Story

Welcome to our blog! This is our story of our new and rapidly growing homestead. A couple of months ago our little family got the surprise of our life. My parents decided that they were going to move in with my grandparents to take care of them. They offered us their house! Which we happily and excitingly accepted! We packed up all of belongings from our small town house in town and moved into a four bedroom house out in the woods. Our little family grew from my husband and I, our two cats, and our puppy. To three dogs, three cats, and four ducks.
  Our homestead is rapidly growing whether its our garden or getting more animals. Our goal is to eventually live completely off the grid. Which could take a long time to achive. We look forward to learning more about doing things like the past. I hope you guys stick along for the ride. Thank you and god bless.